IPC across the network
A QNX application can talk to a process on another computer on the
network just as if it were talking to another process on the same
machine. From the application's perpective, there is no difference
between a local and remote resource. This transparency is made
possible by virtual sircuits (VCs), which are paths the Network
Manager provides to transmit messages, proxis, and signals across the
network. VCs contribute to efficient overall use of resources in a QNX
network for several reasons:
- When a VC is created, it has given the ability to handle
messages up to a specified size; this means you can preallocate
resources to handle the message. When you need to send a message
larger than the maximum specified size, the VC is automatically
resized to accomodate the larger message.
- If two process residing on different nodes are communicating with
each other via more than one VC, the VCs are shared, only one
real virtual circuit exists between the processes. This
situation occurs commonly when a process acesses several files on the
remote filesystem.
- If a process attaches to an existing shared VC and it requests a
bufefr size larger than that currnetly in use, the buffer size is
automatically increased.
- When a process terminates, its associated VCs are automatically
A sending process is responsible for setting up the VC between itself
and the process it wants to communicate with. To do so the sending
process usually issues a qnx_vc_attach() function
call. in addition to creating a VC, this call also creates a virtual
process ID, or VID, at each end of the circuit. To the process at
either end of the virtual circuit, the VID on its end appears to have
the process ID of the remote process it wants to communicate
with. Processes communicate with each other via these VIDs.
In the previous example the virtual circuit connects PID 1 to PID
2. On node 4 where PID 1 resides a VID represents PID 2. On node 5
where PID 2 resides, a VID represents PID 1. Both PID 1 and PID 2 can
refer to the VID on their node as if it were any other local process,
sending messages, receiving messages, raising signals, waiting,
etc. For example, PID 1 can send a message to the VID on its end, and
this VID will relay the message across the network to the VID
representing PID 1 on the other end. This VID will then route the
message to PID 2. Each VID maintains a connection that contains the
following information:
- local pid
- remote pid
- remote nid (node ID)
- remote vid
You do not need to contact VC directly. When az application wants to
access an I/O resource across the network, a VC is created by the
open() function. To the application, the VC simply appears to
be a PID.
A process might become unable to communicate over an established VC
for various reason:
- The computer it was running on was powered down.
- The network cable to the computer was disconnected.
- The remote process it was communicating with was terminated.
The process manager on each node checks the integrity of VCs on its
node. It does this as follows:
- Each time a successful transmission takes place on a VC, a
time stamp associated with the VC is updated to indicate the time of
last activity.
- At installation-defined intervals, the Process Manager looks at
each VC. If there's been no activity on a circuit, the Process Manager
sends a network integrity packet to the Process Manager on the node at
the other end of the circuit.
- If no response comes back, or if a problem is indicated, the VC os
flagged as having a problem. An installation-defined number of
attempts are then made to re-establish contact.
- If the attempts fail, the VC is dismantled; any processes blocked
on the VC is made READY. (The process sees a failure return code from
the communication primitive on the VC.)