Course: Distributed operating systems
Time, Synchronisation and Coordination in Distributed Systems
References [Col94], [Gos91], [Sin94]
Time and Clocks
- Time and its Representation
Real Time
Clock time
Ideal clock
Real Clock
- Events, States and Intervals
Intervals in Real Time
Intervals in Clock Time
Events, States and Temporal Intervals
- Event Ordering
Casual (or happened-before) ordering
Global (or total) ordering
Sync (or casual-global) ordering
- Clocks in Real-Time Systems
Physical clock
Logical clock (or Lamport’s clock)
Vector clock
- Centralised Co-ordination
- Cristian’s algorithm
Berkeley algorithm
- Centralised Co-ordination
Central process or server
Static sequencer
- Distributed Coordination
Multiple physical clocks
Multiple logical clocks
- Election
The Bully algorithm for election
Ring algorithm for election