

21-27. November 1998. Miskolc Lillafüred Hungary

Instructions and registration forms, programme

Invitation and Call for Papers

Organised by
University of Miskolc
Institute of Electrical Engineering
Department of Automation

TEMPUS S-JEP 12 555 INTCOM '98 Symposium is held in Miskolc 21-27. 1998.

Objectives of the symposium

The main objective of the symposium is to support restructuring the Information Engineering curriculum at the Hungarian technical faculties by development of new course modules.

Main topics

Submission of your manuscript is welcome. The contractor welcomes the following types of contributions: Related topics of the project are:
  1. Intelligent Systems
  2. Artificial Intelligence in Control
  3. Artificial Intelligence in Measurement
  4. Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control
  5. Credit Systems and PhD Programme in the European Education Contributions should be written in English and should be sent in camera ready or (optionally compressed) Postscript file form to the contractor before 30. October 1998. The machine readable version is to be sent to as an E-mail attachment or by upload.
    Note! Our mail server accept limited size of e-mails only! It means that it if your document is relatively big than you will not be able to send it to us via e-mail. Because of this, we strongly recommend to upload your document via World Wide Web using your browser. It is more comfortable than sending it via e-mail. You just have to fill in the upload form and specify your file using your favourite web browser and our server will take care of your file automatically.

    Papers are limited to ten pages. Please make sure that the paper is submitted in its final form. Corrections in the proof stage should be avoided. The word-processed text should be in single column format. Keep the layout of the text as simple as possible. The text should be prepared in a way very similar to that of conventional manuscripts. (See more instructions.)

    International programme committee

    National organising committee

    Symposium secretariat

    Dr. László Czap
    Dept. of Automation
    University of Miskolc

    Location of the symposium

    Hotel Palota

    Lillafüred is a holiday resort of Miskolc in the Bükk Mountains. Transport from Miskolc Tiszai Railway Station by the organisers or taxi.


    Date Programme
    21. November Saturday Arrival
    22. November Sunday 10. A.m. Opening & 1st Section
    2. pm. Social Event
    23. November Monday 9. am. 2nd Section
    2. pm. Social Event
    24. November Tuesday 9. am. 3rd Section
    2. pm. Social Event
    25. November Wednesday 9. am. Industrial Day
    2. pm. Visit at the University of Miskolc
    26. November Thursday Excursion Day
    27. November Friday Departure

    Detailed preliminary programme

    Social Events are:

    On line regisration should be received at the secretariat before 15. October 1998. Camera ready or PostScript version of papers should be sent or uploaded before 30. October 1998. All the participants will receive a copy of the printed proceedings.