Instructions for authors

We provide a WinWord template file for you to save your time on formatting your document. Using styles defined in the template file you can format your paper easily and fast.

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Following instructions describe which style sould be used in specific part of the document as well as the main structure of the document. If you do not use WinWord to produce your paper but some other document maker system, you can find description of the styles below so you can "imitate" them with your software.


(Title should be written with 14 point Times font in Bold, Centred)

Authors' names here ("Author" style: 11 point Times Italic)

Put your Affiliation here ("Affiliation" style: 11 point Times Roman)


Each paper should be introduced by a self-contained abstract of no more than 100 words not counting the formulas. The abstract heading uses the "Head1" style, which is 12 point Times, Bold, Centred. The body of the abstract is in the "Abstract" style, which is 10 point Times Roman. The paragraph can be justified or flush left. White space of 9 points (one line) should be left between paragraphs, and between paragraphs and headings.

Keywords: Please put three to five keywords here.

2. Text styles

By using style sheets we can make the Proceedings more attractive and useful to everyone. Using styles can insulate you from the tedious repetition of setting font and spacing parameters for each paragraph individually. Taking a few minutes to set up a style sheet can save hours of work later.

Primary headings are in "Head1" style and are 12 point Times Bold, centred and all letters CAPITALISED.

The body text should be in "Body" style, which is 10 point Times Roman.

Figures: The figure caption is 9 point Times Roman, justified, with the word "Figure" and the figure number in Bold.

2.1. The Second Level Heading

"Head2" style 12 point Times Bold, Hanging Indent, Initial Caps.

Not every potential element in your paper can be described in detail here. If you have questions about unusual elements in your paper, please send questions by e-mail to

2.2. Another Secondary Heading

Counter Incrementing

Not all word-processing programs allow for automatic incrementing of counters for sections, figures and tables. Our styles do not all include automatic numbering. Please double check your numbering to make sure that it is correct.

Third level heading has no style, but uses Times bold. To format third-level headings, simply make the head portion of a "Body" style paragraph bold.

Lists can be done in two ways, numbered or unnumbered. Unnumbered lists are useful for listing elements which do not follow a prescribed sequence.

Table 1. Example of table
Measurement Centimetres Inches
Top Margin (A4) 2.8 1.1
Bottom Margin (A4) 3.7 1.46
Left Margin (A4) 2.8 1.1
Right Margin (A4) 2.8 1.1

Please use the margins of Table 1.


The section heading for references should be in the same style as primary headings.

References should be numbered consecutively.