Upgrading the Hungarian Higher Education in System Modeling, Fault Diagnosis and Fuzzy Logic.


  1. System Modeling
  2. Fault Diagnosis
  3. Fuzzy Logic


You can find detailed information about participants of the MODIFY project on a separated page. If you are interested in one of the participants only just click on the name of it.
  1. University of Miskolc, Department of Automation
  2. Technical University of Budapest, Department of Measurement and Instr. Engineering
  3. Technical University of Budapest, Department of Telecomunication and Telematics
  4. Kando Polytechnics of Budapest, Institute of Informatics
  5. University of Veszprem, Department of Information Technology and Automation
  6. University of Duisburg, Department of Meas. and Process Control
  7. University of Dortmund, Department of Informatics
  8. Heriot-Watt University, Department of Computing & Electrical Engineering
  9. University of Sheffield, Department of Aut. Control and System Engineering
  10. University of York, Departement of Electronics
  11. Valencia University of Technology, Department of System Engineering, Information Technology and Automation
  12. Catalonia University of Technology, Department of System Engineering, Automation and Information Technology
  13. University of Nancy
  14. Technical University of Vienna, Institute for Handling Devices and Robotics
  15. Academy of Lower Austria, Department of Automatisation
  16. University of Gent, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computing Science
  17. AMIRA Gmbh
  18. AEA Technology Warrington, AEA Reactor Services, System dev. Div.
  19. CNRS-LAAS, Toulouse