Literature for Parallel Architectures TEMPUS project activity

  1. C. A. R. Hoare:
    Communicating Sequential Processes
    Prentice-Hall, 1985
  2. Inmos
    Occam 2 Reference Manual
    Prentice-Hall, 1988
  3. D. Pountain and D. May:
    A tutorial introducing to occam programming
    Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1987
  4. A. Burns:
    Programming in occam 2
    Addison-Wesley, 1988
  5. K. Bowler, R. Kenway, G. Pawley and D. Roweth:
    An introduction to occam 2 programming
  6. J Wexler (Ed.):
    Developing Transputer Applications
  7. A. Bakkers (Ed.):
    Applying Transputer Based Parallel Machines
  8. C. Askew (Ed.):
    Occam and the Transputer - Research and Applications
  9. J. Kerridge (Ed.):
    Developments Using Occam
  10. T. Muntéan (Ed.):
    Parallel Programming of Transputer Based Machines
  11. James L. McClelland, David E. Rumelhart:
    Explorations in parallel distributed processing, A handbook of models, programs and exercises
    MIT, 1988 (in library of WU)
  12. Cok, R. S.:
    Parallel programs for transputer
    Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1991
  13. Transputer Databook
    SGS - Thomson
  14. Transputer Applications Notebook: Systems and Performance
  15. Transputer Reference Manual
    Prentice Hall, Inmos, 1988
  16. Digital signal processing
  17. Military and Space Transputer Databook
  18. Graphics Databook
  19. G. S. Stiles (Ed.):
    Transputer Research and Applications 1
    (NATUG 1)
  20. J. A. Board, (Ed.):
    Transputer Research and Applications 2 (NATUG 2)
  21. L. Freeman and C. Phiollips (Eds.):
    Application of Transputers
  22. Harp:
    Transputer applications
    (from Internet)