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Dr. Malik, András:
Autóipari teljesítmény elektronika modellezése, tervezése, megvalósítása elektromos hajtáshoz
Megjegyzés: #1 – Develop a method to track the progress on supplier side for a complex product
Due to the high need of the project and the experience and competence of Mr. Malik, Schaeffler will prefer this topic for the thesis.
Current situation
Management of and Cooperation with Suppliers from complex mechatronic systems like a Power Electronic Unit (PEU) is a new task for Schaeffler. Existing processes which describes the interaction with suppliers for pure mechanic products like steel or screws are not sufficient to manage the complex products. By this, new competences, knowledges, methods and tools are necessary.
As Schaeffler has already started developing complex systems for E-Mobility, the interaction with PEU suppliers has already been started. One HV-DHT project for an European OEM is in A-sample phase and will enter B-Sample phase end of 2020. Until then, the PEU supplier for mass production shall be nominated. (Customer VW, SOP 20204, delivery content includes 2 EM, double power unit incl. DC/DC converter and SW, separation clutch, clutch control unit incl. SW, gearbox, heat converter and housing). Next to this there’s a second project to develop an 48V P1 Hybrid module for a Japanese OEM which is in acquisition phase actually, but activities for A-sample development already started.
To cover all the interfaces to the PEU supplier, the project team includes the roles of technical development (HW, E/E, SW, System, testing, FuSaf, …), quality and purchase.
As there’s no guideline available up to now, how to monitor and evaluate the development progress on supplier side, the project team defined the necessary activities by themselves, based on personal experience and expectations.
Develop an Method description for the usage at Schaeffler E-Mobility projects which defines how to evaluate that the development progress and product maturity of PEU suppliers within the development progress in alignment with the Schaeffler Product Development process.
This method shall
Consider all commodities of the product development at the supplier, like SW, HW, EE, testing, industrialization, processes, ….
Consider the increased product and process maturity over the development phases
Ensure, that the work on supplier side fits to the customers expectation
Monitoring of development progresses
Highlight deviations between expectations and reality to enable countermeasures
enable a linkage between development progress on supplier side and payment of development costs
develop the mandatory tools too, next parallel to method description
The result of this thesis shall be implemented as a standard for all upcoming projects in the Business Unit E-Mobility at Schaeffler for the integration of the PEU (global approach) and shall be used as a basis for comparable standards for other mechatronic products like actuators or e-motors.
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