Miskolci Egyetem,
Gépészmérnöki és Informatikai Kar
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Bouzid, Ahmed:
Ground Speed Sensor Implemented on Analog and Digital Reconfigurable Technologies
0 (választható téma)
Megjegyzés: The project consists of creating a ground speed sensor implemented using hybrid reconfigurable design and ultrasonic transducers. The use of the Doppler effect could be the key to compute the velocity of a vehicle, but the real-time processing of the instantaneous frequency is considered. It has been proved that the Hilbert transform could be used to process the instantaneous frequency, hence the challenge is to implement this DSP tool on FPGA to maximize the performances. An experimentation phase with US transducers is essential to get familiar with electroacoustic instrumentation and to characterize the sensors. A modeling and simulation phase of the solution on MATLAB is also necessary to validate the algorithm. Possibly the use of a tool other than Hilbert transform for IFe should be considered.
Outcomes of the project: the student will acquire knowledge on how to drive a scientific/engineering project, how to create a high-performance reconfigurable embedded system dedicated for signal processing applications considering rapid prototyping. Get familiar with sensors, actuators and mixed signal processing. The project may result in scientific publications
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