Upload TEMPUS document

PUT method of Hypertext Transfer Protocol is disabled on our World Wide Web server for security reasons. It means that you can not use your Web browser to upload your files to the server.

How to prepare your documents

If you are going to send a document to us, first prepare your documentation. You should produce your ducuments in one of the following format:

If you have made your document in an other format you must convert it to either postscript or HTML. Here are instructions how to make conversion:
WinWord to postscript

Fortunately it does not require conversion really. You must install a postscript printer into your Windows and select it to print out the document. When you start the printing, you must choose file as output instead of real printer. Specify the name of the output file with .ps suffix.

WinWord to HTML

I do not know any WinWord to HTML converter, but there are several nice RTF to HTML converters. You can find some converters on our ftp server in /pub/unix/www directory. In WinWord save your document in Rich Text Format, and convert it to HTML using your favorite RTF to HTML converter. Note that if your document is full with equations, you need to do a lot of extra work to convert them into pictures because HTML does not suport equations (yet, as far as I know).

LaTeX to postscript

LaTeX, as well as TeX, is producing its output in div format. It can be converted into postscript format using dvips program. See manual page of dvips for more information.


I am not experienced with this conversion, but I know that it is possible to do that. You must get a converter program from WWW Consortium's site and see documentation of the program you got.

Other formats

You must discover how to make conversion or just ask your local guru to install converter you need.
After producing document in required format it is good idea to compress it before transfering it through the network. Note that I am rarely using DOS, so I prefer files compressed in UNIX using compress or gzip programs. If you can not use these programs you should compress your files with arj or pkzip program in DOS.

How to upload your documents

There are three ways to send your document for us:

  1. You can upload your files to our anonymous ftp server.

    This way is preferred. This way requires two steps. First upload your files into our ftp server. We provide /pub/upload directory on our anonymous ftp server for uploading. This directory is writable for everyone. Here is a script how can you upload files with ftp:

    $ ftp mazsola.iit.uni-miskolc.hu
    Connected to mazsola.iit.uni-miskolc.hu
    220 mazsola FTP server ready
    Name (something): anonymous
    331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
    Password: [type your e-mail address here as password]
    230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
    ftp> cd /pub/upload
    250 CWD command successful.
    ftp> bin
    200 Type set to I.
    ftp> hash
    Hash mark printing on (1024 bytes/hash mark).
    ftp> put yourfile.ps.gz
    ftp> bye
    After that you must write an e-mail for me and inform me that you have uploaded a file and what should I do with it. If you forget to write me, your file will be deleted without any processing, because I do not check the upload directory. My e-mail address is:


    Notes about our ftp server. It is located in a relatively small disk partition and it is not for uploading. We are trying to reduce disk space occupied by the upload directory. Our machine checks the content of the upload directory at every Sunday and automatically deletes file that have not been accessed for a week.

  2. You can send your files to us by e-mail.

    Attach your files into your mail. If your mailer program does not support binary files directly, you should encode them with uuencode program and place the result in your mail. Send your mails to the address shown above.

  3. You can place your files on your ftp or WWW server

    And inform me where can I get them from.