Parallel Processing Introductory block
- Introduction to Parallel Processing by Péter Kacsuk
Document (42 pages Gzipped Postscript 427k, Zipped Winword 287k)
Transparencies (61 slides Gzipped Postscript 301k, Zipped Winword 282k)
- Basic concepts
- Types and levels of parallelism
- Classification of parallel architectures
- Parallel techniques
- Relationships between languages and parallel architectures
- The Sieve of Eratosthenes
- Speedup, Amdahl's Law
- Data Parallel Approach with I/O
- Computational models
Document (42 pages Gzipped Postscript 153k, Zipped Winword 131k) by Dezső Sima
Transparencies (Zipped
PowerPoint 83k) by Péter Broczkó
- The notion of computational model
- The Turing computational model
- The von Neumann computational model
- The dataflow model of computation
- The applicative model of computation
- Predicate logic based computational model
- The object based computational model
- A summary of the basic computational models
- Introduction to Parallel Architectures
- Instruction Level Parallel Architectures by Péter Broczkó
Document (21 pages Gzippped
Postscript 83k)
Transparencies (27 slides Gzipped Postscript 60k, Zipped WinWord 62k)
- Overview of IFP processors
- Constraints on parallel instruction execution
- The speed-up potential of functional parallelism
- MIMD Architectures
Document (12 pages Gzipped
Postscript 37k) by Péter Kacsuk
Transparencies (9 slides Gzipped
Postscript 22k, Zipped Winword
20k) by Zsolt
- Architectural concepts
- Problems of scalable computers
- Main design issues of scalable MIMD computers