Párhuzamos Programozás
A Párhuzamos Programozás a PARALLEL TEMPUS egyik
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Introduction to
Parallel Processing szerző Kacsuk Péter
Dokumentum (42 oldal Gzipped Postscript 427k, Zipped Winword 287k)
Fóliák (61 fólia Gzipped Postscript 301k, Zipped Winword 282k)
- Basic concepts
- Types and levels of parallelism
- Classification of parallel architectures
- Parallel techniques
- Relationships between languages and parallel architectures
- The Sieve of Eratosthenes
- Speedup, Amdahl's Law
- Data Parallel Approach with I/O
Computational Models
Dokumentum (42 oldal Gzipped Postscript 153k, Zipped Winword 131k) szerző
Sima Dezső
Fóliák (Zipped PowerPoint
83k) szerző Broczkó Péter
- The notion of computational model
- The Turing computational model
- The von Neumann computational model
- The dataflow model of computation
- The applicative model of computation
- Predicate logic based computational model
- The object based computational model
- A summary of the basic computational models
Programming szerző Kacsuk Péter
Dokumentum (19 oldal Gzipped Postscript 412k, Zipped Winword 291k)
Fóliák (8 fólia Gzipped Postscript 21k, Zipped Winword 12k)
- Introduction
- A Shared-Memory Process Model
- Analysis of shared-memory programs
- Monitors
- Summary
Programming: Occam szerző Broczkó Péter
Dokumentum (36 oldal Gzipped Postscript 106k, Zipped Winword 49k)
Fóliák (46 fólia Gzipped Postscript 60k, Zipped Winword 30k)
- Introduction
- The conception of Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP)
- The programming language occam, based on CSP
- References
- Futher reading
MPI: The Message
Passing Interface szerző Dózsa Gábor
Dokumentum (29 oldal Gzipped Postscript 136k, Zipped Winword 62k)
Fóliák (34 fólia Gzipped Postscript 48k, Zipped Winword 31k)
- The Message Passing Paradigm
- What Is MPI?
- General Aspects of MPI
- Point-to-Point Communication
- Six Function MPI
- More on Point-to-Point Communication
- Derived Data Types
- Collective Communication
- Convenient Process Naming : Virtual Topologies
- Topics not included
- The future of MPI
Object Oriented
Parallel Programming Languages szerző Máray Tamás
Dokumentum (27 oldal Gzipped Postscript 104k, Zipped Winword 47k)
Fóliák (28 fólia Gzipped Postscript 594k, Zipped PowerPoint 15k)
Kivonat (HTML)
- Introduction
- Parallel and concurrent programming
- Object Oriented Paradigm
- Object orientation and parallelism
- Fundamental problems - inheritence anomalies
- Requirements for Object Oriented Parallel Programming Languages
- Introducing parallelism to object oriented systems
- The CC++ language
- Parallel programming, using Java
Parallel Execution
Models of Declarative Languages szerző Németh Zsolt
Dokumentum (30 oldal Gzipped Postscript 152k, Zipped Winword 121k)
Fóliák (40 fólia Gzipped Postscript 152k, Zipped Winword 258k)
Kivonat (HTML)
- Imperative and declarative languages
- Logic programming
- Functional programming
Parallel Programming
Tools and Environments szerző Dózsa Gábor
Dokumentum (32 oldal Gzipped Postscript 229k, Zipped Winword 125k)
Fóliák (33 fólia Gzipped Postscript 334k, Zipped Winword 182k)>
- Introduction
- Specification of Parallel Algorithms
- Mapping and Dynamic Load Balancing
- Debugging of Parallel Programs
- Performance Analysis
- Monitoring
- Irodalomjegyzék
A témakörhöz kapcsolódó régi
További anyagok
Programming of
PVM szerző Szeberényi Imre
Dokumentum magyarul (35 oldal Gzipped Postscript 170k)
Fóliák (20 fólia Gzipped Postscript 135k)
Fóliák tömörítve (4 fólia Gzipped Postscript 39k)
Fóliák megjegyzésekkel (20 fólia Gzipped Postscript 126k)
GRAPNEL programming
environment szerző Drótos Dániel
Dokumentum (HTML, 133 oldal Gzipped Postscript 140k)
Kivonat (HTML)
A Short Course in Parallel Scientific Computing szerző Graham
Introduction to Parallel Scientific Computing (24 fólia Gzipped Postscript 102k)
Fundamentals of Parallel Computing (19 fólia Gzipped Postscript 137k)
Solution of elliptic
PDEs (25 fólia Gzipped
Postscript 150k)
Ordinary Differential
Equations (18 fólia Gzipped
Postscript 135k)
Eigenvalue Computations (19 fólia Gzipped Postscript 133k)
Load Balancing (19 fólia Gzipped Postscript 112k)
Exercise 1: Parallel numerical approximation of PI (1 fólia Gzipped Postscript 7k)
Exercise 2: Parallel solution of a PDE with the Jacobi and
Gaus-Seidel methods (1 fólia Gzipped Postscript 7k)
Exercise 3: Parallel
integration of an ordinary differential equation (1 fólia Gzipped Postscript 8k)
Introduction To Parallel Programming Languages and Occam szerző
George R. R. Justo
Dokumentum (HTML)